ACE Club » ACE Club

ACE Club

ACE (Achievement Commitment to Excellence) Club was established in 2018. Mr. Romo and Mr. Roque, ACE Site Administrator and Academic Counselor respectively, met to discuss ideas on creating a student club to foster school culture, and offer peer social emotional support. The goal was to identify and train interested students from each grade level and instill in them the importance of leading by example and modeling the CATS Values and our School-wide Learning Outcomes. ACE club would become a student-led, student-centered vehicle to ensure student voice and choice in regard to school spirit, student life, the building and fostering of positive and healthy relationships and our overall CATS Family model. 
ACE Club Activities:
  • Collaborate with EduCare After School Program: Birthday Celebrations, Prep Parties, Leadership workshops
  • CATS Olympics: Grade level competitions in sports and many more activities 
  • Grade-level Assemblies 
  • Lunch Time Activities: 
    • Fun Fridays
    • CATS Pride Day
    • Karaoke
    • Games and Competitions 
    • CATS Bucks: Set up incentives for students following our School Value's
  • Supporting Teachers with study hall and prep parties, along with EduCare providing pizza and prizes
  • PA Announcements for the School - Monday/Wednesdays/Fridays
  • Advisory SEL support: Facilitate community Builders
  • Restorative Justice: Lead harm circles that support conflict resolution, and effective communication
  • Collaborate with PSW: Support with mental health events, monthly events
  • Collaborate with PSA: Attendance events and activities
  • Collaborate with Wesley Health Center: Lunch time booths every other month
  • Student advocates in SWPBIS meetings
  • Collaborate with Leadership class: Parent conferences, Back to School nights

2023-2024 ACE Club Student Leaders

Dayanara Farias 12th Grade
Leilany Paredes 12th Grade
Kymberlyn Ramirez 12th Grade
Jocelyn Maravilla 11th Grade
Kimberly Barrios 11th Grade
Noel Rodriguez 11th Grade
Jeremiah Johnson 11th Grade
Noel Rodriguez 11th Grade
Joal Carillo 11th Grade
Diana Hernandez (Elias) 11th Grade
Angel Lopez 10th Grade
Jorge Maravilla 9th Grade